Sunday, September 9, 2012

Presidential Election 2012

           The Presidential Election is coming up soon and Americans are getting ready to vote. The two candidates running for president are Democrat Barack Obama and Republican Mitt Romney. President Barack Obama is running for a second term with vice president Joe Biden. Mitt Romney has chosen Paul Ryan as his vice president. The two parties are challenging each other to produce the best ideas for our future.
            The Democrats and Barack Obama are trying their hardest to overcome the challenges in the United States. Their party is represented by the donkey and the color blue. The Democratic convention just passed a few days ago and they talked about the future of our country and why President barack Obama should be re-elected. A few speakers who spoke at the convention are former president Bill Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama, and President Barack Obama. Michelle Obama spoke about how your values are important and that they guide you through tough decisions and also President Obama should serve a second term and is a better president because he understands common people. President Obama said, "Yes, our road is longer -- but we travel it together. We don't turn back. We leave no one behind. We pull each other up." Also, if Obama were to return to office, he would create more jobs, advance our education system and make college more affordable, keep health care, develop clean energy, strengthen the middle class, and create the lasting economy we need. He also wants to increase tax for the rich (if you earn more than 250,000).

              The Republicans and Mitt Romney show a different approach to help the economy. This party is represented by the color red and the elephant. They aim to expand education, discontinue Obama health care, stop illegal immigration, and try getting the economy back on track. He will also reduce tax for small businesses and the rich, because he believes that it will give them more money to generate jobs which will then help the economy.

            I believe that Barack Obama should be re-elected as president and serve his second term. He has good ideas to help out our suffering economy and has already been experiencing it for his first four years in office. Also, Romney and the rest of the Republican party are more focused on making Obama look bad then telling voters what they will do to make the economy better. I have seen this in all of their websites. The biggest headline would be "Obama's Failure" or "How Obama Failed to Make this Happen." I think instead of insulting the President, they should give their ways to do it better than he did. Also, Obama has better interests in our education and developing cleaner energy for our future and for reducing Global Warming. Overall, I think if you should vote for the Democrat ticket (If you can :D). And, I am also looking forward to learning more from their debates in October.



  1. As I will be voting for the first time I am also looking forward to debates.

  2. Hi RA to the JEE
    does my picture work NOW?

  3. Rajee, you are right on on capturing the sentiments of this election! I hope every one start seeing the bigger picture and stop being petty and start saying what they will do that will be good for America! YOU ROCK!!!

  4. Nice blog! :D
    I alo want to re-elect mr. Obama.
    He is AWESOME!
    More school money=better classrooms=me happy!
